I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom - Simone de Beauvoir

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    Monday, June 14, 2010

    Anti-BP Art - The Huffington Post

    Anti-BP Art: The Best Visual Jabs To Come From The Oil Spill (PICTURES)
    Huffington Post   |  Katla McGlynn Posted: 06-13-10 09:56 AM

    The Gulf oil spill has left people angry and frustrated to say the least, but one good thing that's come out of it is angry fan art. Those who are boycotting BP or wishing Tony Hayward would fall into the sludge have used their artistic skills to create these funny images. From Spongebob's demise to an oil-slicked Little Mermaid, these images get the message across with a little humor to cushion the blow.

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